I love our "weather forecasts" We in Orillia had 4 blizzards' and we didn't complained. We just took it. How come we don't hear these forecasts here in Orillia. Such as on TV. We north of Barrie don't exists. Yet when there is only 3 to 4 inches fall down south it's a major issue. I guess we north of Barrie are the "forgotten Ones".
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That's nice> How about get our city snow movers to get out of Tim Hortons and reduce the snow banks. It's getting very dangerous to get out of an intersection and pray that none will hit you.
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We also need to repave that section to the library. Looks like a scene from WW1. No wonder tourist don't want to drive here all because they are afraid in damaging their cars suspensions..
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It's nice that they building new homes. But I can see the traffic nightmare when it comes to Westmount drive.. Living on one of the side streets it's already a nightmare to exit in the morning or evening with extra traffic coming out of nowhere.
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Why not build beside city hall's parking lot? It's close to everything. At least it would pay for taxes instead of losing money. Beside living form a side street it's very difficult enough to enter on Westmount anyway especially in the morning or afternoon.
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I wonder if the city will apply for tree cutting licenses?
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I don't mind buying lottery tickets but it seems only hospital volunteers are buying and winning. Where else can you buy these tickets? I don't see nothing downtown or any store advertising them. I really don't want to pay parking ticket to buy a ticket at the hospital. Too expensive!!
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I have worked with him for 13 years. He is the kind of guy that would give his shirt off his back.
He was a lot of fun just to be with him as well as his collage's. Rest in peace Kevin. We all miss you.
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AND THERE GOES another business out the door. That's Orillia alright.
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Where are from??? Because my last name is also Szukalski
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