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Local News

More community safety zones coming to Pelham

More community safety zones coming to Pelham

Town targeting eight ‘locations of special concern,’ including schools, parks and seniors’ homes
IN FOCUS: The land entanglements of Niagara Falls Councillor Victor Pietrangelo

IN FOCUS: The land entanglements of Niagara Falls Councillor Victor Pietrangelo

Multiple failures to declare ownership ties appear to be violations of Municipal Conflict of Interest Act
LETTER: No consensus on Fonthill sidewalk snow clearing

LETTER: No consensus on Fonthill sidewalk snow clearing

'Are the sidewalks cleared or aren't they?' reader asks
THE BALANCED LIFE: As seniors, we don't challenge ourselves enough

THE BALANCED LIFE: As seniors, we don't challenge ourselves enough

Don't go gentle into that good night, writes John Swart, back from a dicey ride in Portugal
Police hope to ID vehicle linked to Fort Erie townhouse fire

Police hope to ID vehicle linked to Fort Erie townhouse fire

Black SUV was seen near townhomes under construction that went up in flames
Six suspects sought following Grimsby home invasion

Six suspects sought following Grimsby home invasion

The incident occurred early Thursday morning
Man who shot dog in Niagara Falls arrested in Hamilton

Man who shot dog in Niagara Falls arrested in Hamilton

Firearm used in incident hasn't been found
Celebrate World Water Day with Niagara Region

Celebrate World Water Day with Niagara Region

Register by Friday for free guided tours of the Grimsby Water Treatment Plant on March 22
Cartoon of the Day: Makeover

Cartoon of the Day: Makeover

Local cartoonist Steve Nease provides a humorous take on current events
POV: Spring training a welcome diversion in confusing times

POV: Spring training a welcome diversion in confusing times

The sound, rhythm and pace of a baseball game can take one's mind off the crazy things going on in the world