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Letters to the Editor

LETTER: Sorry, but Gretzky no longer a true Canadian

LETTER: Sorry, but Gretzky no longer a true Canadian

'I refuse to buy any alcohol with his name on it—the same as anything from the USA'
LETTER: 'That the Burgoyne Bridge is a sham totally broke my illusions'

LETTER: 'That the Burgoyne Bridge is a sham totally broke my illusions'

'I’ll never look at it in the same way again,' reader says
LETTER: 'Vimy or Vichy? We must all choose'

LETTER: 'Vimy or Vichy? We must all choose'

Canada is facing an existential threat to its sovereignty, and Wayne Gretzky gets no free pass, says reader
LETTER: Councillor Wayne Campbell, the People's Champion

LETTER: Councillor Wayne Campbell, the People's Champion

'A fearless leader, Councillor Campbell understood first hand the struggles of the mentally ill, homeless and addicted,' says advocate Steven Soos
LETTER: Stop flying American flag at MCC

LETTER: Stop flying American flag at MCC

'Trump has openly stated that his plan is to wreak economic havoc in order to weaken our country so that he may annex Canada,' a reader writes
LETTER: Discussion on mental health, poverty and addiction 'encouraging'

LETTER: Discussion on mental health, poverty and addiction 'encouraging'

'The event was a true grassroots effort of awareness organized by residents with a variety of lived experience,' says Grimsby Councillor Jennifer Korstanje
LETTER: Thanks to Thorold council for support on mental health issue

LETTER: Thanks to Thorold council for support on mental health issue

Councillor DeRose's motion receives passes in unanimous 9-0 vote
LETTER: Unfair to compare Canada's Poilievre to Donald Trump

LETTER: Unfair to compare Canada's Poilievre to Donald Trump

PM hopeful just wants to stop Canada from 'going off a cliff of fiscal irresponsibility' says reader
LETTER: Denied diploma 'due to a broken co-op system'

LETTER: Denied diploma 'due to a broken co-op system'

'I made the President’s Honour Roll, yet the college did not even notify me of this achievement'
LETTER: Poilievre acting like a Trump clone

LETTER: Poilievre acting like a Trump clone

Canadians are deeply disturbed and distrustful of what is occurring in the US, says reader