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LETTER: Wake up and smell the duplication

Public sector growing too fast says reader

PelhamToday received the following letter to the editor regarding Regional property taxes:

Yup, here we go again, property taxes going up at a rate of 2-1/2 times the rate of inflation, and that’s only the Regional portion.This doesn’t fit Doug Ford`s plan of making buying and renting more affordable here in Niagara, where our property taxes per capita are some of the highest in Canada.

I don’t know why people don’t get it, but the public sector is growing much faster than the private sector with many if not all public sector workers getting the biggest raises and benefit packages, with really decent pensions!

Gee, do you think the public sector is making life unaffordable for seniors and those trying to eek out a living in the private sector?

Yes, I’m a homeowner and mortgage-free and it still costs me at least $1000 a month to keep the lights on, and that does not include home repairs. Maybe we will finally wake up to the notion that duplication of services in Niagara under four levels of government is slowly choking us.

Peter Voss