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LETTER: Regional Council correct on flag decision

'There would be an immediate ceasefire if Hamas simply released all the hostages'
I fully support the Niagara Regional Council's decision to stop flying foreign flags from Regional Offices.  I believe the only flags that should be allowed to fly at municipal offices are the Canadian, Provincial and Regional flags, nothing more nothing less.  Diana Huson is correct in that Regional Council members were voted in to deal with Regional matters such as roads, infrastructure, policing and taxation, they were not voted in to deal with matters that deal with Federal foreign policy decisions.
One only needs to look at how the stupid, woke political frenzy rising south of us to see a once great nation eating itself from inside out.   Since 1960 Israel has proposed six peace settlements all of which were refused by Palestinians/PLO.  There would be an immediate ceasefire if Hamas simply released all the hostages.  I really don't think the Israeli government nor the terrorist group Hammas gives a "crap" about what Niagara Region says about the war.  These complaints from either Niagara's Palestinians or Israeli groups should be directed to the Federal government.
So I simply ask, let the democratically elected Regional council do what they were voted in for and stop wasting our precious tax dollars dealing with matters that are clearly Federal in nature.
Paul Folkes