PelhamToday received the following open letter to Pelham Public Works Director Jason Marr:
Good afternoon Mr. Jason Marr,
We the community of Port Robinson Road would like to thank you for your efforts in regards to installing "traffic calming" measures along Port Robinson Road between Station Street and Rice Road. Collectively we all hoped that these latest measures would help increase the probability of drivers to stay within the posted and acceptable speed limits of this residential corridor. Unfortunately, this is not the outcome that has occurred. As the summer driving season is now upon us, "We the Community of Port Robinson Road" are regularly seeing speeds far exceeding the posted speed limits falling way above excepted norms for a residential area.
Therefore, we demand the following changes to be implemented on Port Robinson Road (between Station Street and Rice Road) as soon as possible:
1. 40km posted speed limit
2. Speed humps or bumps to be installed in four locations
3. Properly maintained crosswalks at the intersection of Station Street, Lametti Drive and Klager Road.
We are all growing very tired of band-aid traffic calming measures along Port Robinson Road. Hundreds of cars, trucks, buses, motorcycles, pedestrians and cyclists utilize this corridor everyday. I wish everyone would obey the speed limit but they are not.
Now it's time for the Town of Pelham and its leaders to recognize the need for meaningful change and help make Port Robinson Road a safe place to walk, cycle and drive!
Craig Edwards