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LETTER: Hey youngers, take a second to smile

Reader laments lack of polite civility in public spaces

PelhamToday received the following letter to the editor regarding columnist John Swart's observation that young folks are a little distant these days:

I think John Swart read my mind. I ride the Bauer Trail often. I live right beside it, as well as riding many other places. I do make a big effort to smile and say hello to everyone I meet, and you could almost draw an age line that separates those that respond in kind and those that hardly do or just don't even look at me—young people mostly just ignore me. I'm 82. From about 35 to 55 you get a general response maybe, but beyond that, older folks, big smiles, and a good morning or whatever.

I know there are many reasons for this as John discusses in his piece, but I always wish everyone could really let go and smile their cares away. Thank you for a great read.

Ken Edwards