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LETTER: Council needs to get rid of cannabis stench

'We are, at times, driven from our backyard, have a relaxing time in our sunroom cut short, suffer a smelly garage, have it wafting through our cooktop vent and when we open the clothes dryer door,' readers write
2021-03-20 Letter

PelhamToday received the following letter to the editor from Terry and Linda Mortimer in response to Blood pressure, voices raised over cannabis at MCC meeting:

The meeting on June 26th left us disappointed and angry with the state of our local government.  For the past six years or so the residents of Pelham have been complaining about the reckless behaviour of cannabis producers in our area.  Our complaints are not related to set backs or other mundane planning issues but rather the odour and light pollution ruining our quality of life.

The June 26th meeting was explained to us by one council member in an email:
Town Council has authorized a new approach, which is essentially that we are going to pass zoning bylaw amendments that will regulate the industry’s operation and how any existing facilities grow in the future. I’m hopeful that we can wrap this up much faster than waiting on the OLT plus the Town has greater control over the outcome. 
In reality we discover that, rather than a new approach, this is really a speedy resolution to an error made by town Staff who “inadvertently” deleted the existing by-law with all its amendments.  It had nothing to do with odour or light.  In fact, during the meeting when all the audience participation addressed odour and light, the chair stated that it was not the subject matter up for discussion.  How come our local government can move at lightning speed to correct their error yet drag their feet on serving the needs of their residents?  Why are Council so blind to believe this approach will satisfy our discontent?  What we should be addressing is changing the “Odorous Industries Nuisance By-Law” - by-law number 4202(2020).  
We believe that Staff have a separate agenda driven by their own objectives and priorities. Cannabis odour and light pollution control is not where they want to spend their time and our money.  They probably view us as an aggravation and hope we go away if they stall long enough.  It appears that Council have now turned their back on the C.C.C. after all the great work they have done. Town Council are a group of followers who seem to simply comply with the wishes of Staff.   We thought their function was the opposite.  Council should instruct Staff and Staff comply with Council requests.  It would be interesting to know how many members of Staff and Council live in the affected areas of our town.  We are sure there would be more action if they did.
We understand that Council may hold another public meeting to address the odour and light pollution issue.  It would be totally irresponsible if they do not hold this meeting within the next few weeks.  The Canadian government documents and even the Pelham by-law state that production facilities must be equipped with a system to: 
“filter air to PREVENT the escape of cannabis odours associated with cannabis plant material to the outdoors”
The Pelham by-law then continues to redefine the word prevent by allowing a certain number of odour units to escape up to 44 times a year and other such considerations.  How can that be perceived as preventing?  The nasal ranger is a joke!  Our nasal rangers (noses) give a more accurate reading.  The better measure is if there is:
“a loss of enjoyment of normal use of property”
We are, at times, driven from our backyard, have a relaxing time in our sunroom cut short, suffer a smelly garage, have it wafting through our cooktop vent and when we open the clothes dryer door.  How can this be anything other than a loss of enjoyment?  And we live at least a mile away from the offending company!
Other places have solved this problem so why can’t Pelham?  We would have preferred to leave this issue in the capable hands of the C.C.C.  They have more skin in the game than most of Council and Staff.  Therefore, they know exactly what we are enduring.  Residents have become angry and frustrated and our patience has worn thin after such a lengthy time to come to some meaningful resolution.
Please Council get rid of this stench once and for all.
Terry and Linda Mortimer 