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FAITH LIFT | The evidence of changed lives

End of an eight-part series

This is the eighth of an eight-part series of apologetics called “Foundations of Faith” (the end is near). So far, we’ve looked at seven different lines of evidence for the veracity of Christianity. So, finally, let’s apply “the pragmatic test”. Does the Christian faith really work? Does faith in Jesus really change lives?

The First Century

* Simon to Peter

Simon was a fisherman when Jesus called him to be a disciple. He was rather impetuous and often misspoke. Near the end of Jesus’ 3-year ministry, Simon realized who Jesus really was. “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God” (see Matthew 16:16) Jesus renamed him “Peter” (rock) as he foresaw his future leadership role. Peter’s conversion was one of gradual illumination.

* Saul to Paul

Saul of Tarsus was a proud and prominent Pharisee who thought he was serving God by persecuting followers of Jesus. Then in a very dramatic way, he met Jesus himself and everything changed (see Acts 9:1-22). Even his name changed. He became the great apostle Paul, missionary to the Gentiles, and inspired author of most of the New Testament books. Paul’s conversion was one of dramatic transformation.

The Early Centuries

* Augustine

This 5th century AD church father lived in north Africa. Although intellectually gifted, he lived an immoral and irreverent life as a hedonistic skeptic. Then a supernatural experience encouraged him to read the Scriptures. His life was gradually transformed and he became an early church leader and brilliant theologian who is still quoted today.

* Theodora

This less known believer lived in the 6th century AD. She became an irreligious prostitute living in Constantinople. Amazingly, she came to faith and eventually became the Byzantine empress (married to Emperor Justinian). Her life (and lifestyle) changed and she devoted herself to various causes to improve society.

The Later Centuries

* John Wesley

Wesley lived in 18th century England and (although still unsaved) became an Anglican missionary to the American colonies. His life was impacted by Moravian missionaries. At his conversion he said his heart was “strangely warmed”. Wesley became a fervent evangelist and led the Methodist revival in England which probably saved it from a bloody revolution like the one in France.

* John Newton

Newton also hailed from 18th century England. He became a cruel slave-trader taking Africans to the American colonies. He was converted during a storm when he thought he would drown. He became a pastor and hymn-writer (best known for “Amazing Grace”). He influenced William Wilberforce who succeeded in abolishing slavery in the British Empire.


* Lee Strobel

Strobel was a successful, atheistic American lawyer and journalist. When his wife became a believer, he determined to refute Christianity by studying the evidence for two years. At the end of his spiritual search, he became a believer, pastor, apologist and author (e.g., The Case For Christ).

These are just a few of the countless examples of changed lives throughout history when people turned from their sins and turned in faith to Jesus as their Savior. Their stories of transformation prove the truth of 2 Corinthians 5:17 – “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: the old has gone, behold, the new is here!”

What about you?

Rob Weatherby is a retired pastor.