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Rob Weatherby

Rob Weatherby

Rob Weatherby is a retired Baptist pastor

Recent Work by Rob

FAITH LIFT | Bob Froese: God’s Goalie

FAITH LIFT | Bob Froese: God’s Goalie

'We all carry a heavy load of sin and shame in life'
FAITH LIFT | Learning from Lausanne, Part II

FAITH LIFT | Learning from Lausanne, Part II

There are now over 280 million international migrants in the world
FAITH LIFT | Learning from Lausanne

FAITH LIFT | Learning from Lausanne

'World evangelization requires the whole Church to take the whole gospel to the whole world'
FAITH LIFT | Dennis Quaid, on his way to Heaven

FAITH LIFT | Dennis Quaid, on his way to Heaven

'I remember going home and having kind of a white light experience that I saw myself either dead or in jail'
FAITH LIFT | Seniors: A Hidden Treasure

FAITH LIFT | Seniors: A Hidden Treasure

Statistics Canada reports that seniors are now the fastest-growing group in Canada
FAITH LIFT | Thanksgiving or Thanksliving?

FAITH LIFT | Thanksgiving or Thanksliving?

'We recognize that all of our blessings come ultimately from His hand'
FAITH LIFT | Jimmy Carter, Born-Again President

FAITH LIFT | Jimmy Carter, Born-Again President

Leaving office at 57, he wasn’t finished serving his country and the world
FAITH LIFT | The Five Fingers Of Faith

FAITH LIFT | The Five Fingers Of Faith

'This is a new one for me'
FAITH LIFT | A Desperate Serendipity

FAITH LIFT | A Desperate Serendipity

'The spiritual leprosy called sin affects us all'
FAITH LIFT | The girl who helped heal a general

FAITH LIFT | The girl who helped heal a general

'Materialism and greed are hurtful traps'
More work by Rob >