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Gabe Oatley

Gabe Oatley

Gabe is a digital reporter in Toronto, covering the city's downtown core. A longtime Toronto resident, he has published stories with CBC, The National Observer, and Future of Good. You can always reach him at [email protected]

Recent Work by Gabe

Tenants facing mass ‘renoviction’ take protest to Forest Hill home owned by elusive company director

Tenants facing mass ‘renoviction’ take protest to Forest Hill home owned by elusive company director

Tenants say Michael Klein is treating them like ‘garbage’ — but in a rare media interview, Klein denied the tenants’ allegations and said he follows all Ontario laws
CHECK YOUR RECEIPT: Not all retailers applying tax holiday to children’s toys

CHECK YOUR RECEIPT: Not all retailers applying tax holiday to children’s toys

At a Walmart and a Toys R’ Us on Tuesday, a TorontoToday reporter was charged tax on purchases of children’s toys
More work by Gabe >