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Speed cameras slowing drivers down in Niagara Region

Results from the first full year of Niagara Region’s Automated Speed Enforcement Program show that drivers are slowing down in Community Safety Zones
driver steering wheel stock

Results from the first full year of Niagara Region’s Automated Speed Enforcement Program show that drivers are slowing down in Community Safety Zones.

Launched in September of 2023, the Automated Speed Enforcement Program has been rotating four cameras through its first set of 13 Community Safety Zones. Traffic monitoring data from before, during and after Automated Speed Enforcement cameras have been active in an area shows positive results in both slowing down drivers and reducing the number of speeding vehicles across the region, specifically:

  • An average 7 km/hour reduction in speeds when cameras are first introduced to an area
  • After cameras were removed, the average speed reduction increased to 9 km/hr when compared to before the cameras were installed
  • Where cameras have returned to an area for a second rotation there are now 86 per cent fewer drivers speeding in those Community Safety Zones

Encouraged by the early program results demonstrating the ongoing safety benefits of the cameras, in 2024 Niagara Region Council approved the expansion of the program which began rotating eight cameras through more Community Safety Zones in 2025.  

Between January and October 2024, 48,456 Automated Speed Enforcement tickets were issued with an average fine of $116.02 imposed. Fines collected to date have been used to off-set program costs, and any future net fines will be invested exclusively into road safety measures as part of the Vision Zero initiative, which is focused on the reduction and eventual elimination of serious injuries and fatalities on the Regional road network.



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