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PelhamToday's Community Board

Join us in helping shape our service to readers

We want to hear from you about how we’re doing and how we might improve. PelhamToday is a few months from completing its second year of operation. Our website, drawing on the strength of our parent network, offers readers exponentially more news and feature content than any printed paper possibly could, and exponentially faster. But is it the content that you want to see?

Since PelhamToday launched, we have continued to receive tips and feedback from our most dedicated readers—dedicated, that is, to the ideals of journalism, and to the welfare of our Pelham community.

We would like to increase this feedback, and we're asking for your help.

Our goal is to report what’s happening in Pelham through stories about interesting people, events, businesses, municipal politics and more, while also keeping you apprised of relevant news from beyond our borders. We think we’re striking a fairly good balance, but like anything in life, we know there’s always room for improvement.

PelhamToday is creating a community advisory board to assist in our pursuit to be the best we can be and to strengthen our role in the community. The advisory board will be an informal body of citizens that our editorial team can use as a sounding board to help us make our coverage more relevant and inclusive.

We’re looking for six to eight people from different parts of the community and from varied professional and personal backgrounds to provide new perspectives—residents who represent a range of voices and diversity, including age, income, occupation, ethnicity, ability, and gender.

(This does not include current or previously elected office holders, members of special-interest groups, or political organizations.)

Some areas we would like to draw from include non-profits, well-known public figures, visible minorities, people from the news industry or with a journalism background, the business world, law enforcement, youth, and differently-abled people, as well as healthcare and education professionals.

You don’t need to be a member of an established organization, but you do need to be willing to share your opinions and engage respectfully with a diverse group of people to provide unbiased insights and ideas from a third-party point of view. In short, we want to help build better relationships with people and groups whose information needs may not be being met at the moment.

We want to hear more voices about what we are doing right as well as highlighting areas where we could do better. Journalism is a craft and that means always learning and consistently wanting to improve.

And you don’t even need to leave the house! We’re asking you to commit to attending two virtual meetings over the next several months. Those interested in applying may email the editor at [email protected] highlighting your background and the reasons that you want to join the board. We look forward to hearing from you!