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No "Wellington Heights" on discovered 1904 map

"Landmark" cited as source for new school name nowhere to be seen By VOICE STAFF While getting ready to do some painting earlier this week, longtime Pelham residents Ken and Ina Crowe made an interesting discovery in their basement.

"Landmark" cited as source for new school name nowhere to be seen


While getting ready to do some painting earlier this week, longtime Pelham residents Ken and Ina Crowe made an interesting discovery in their basement. After moving a few items around to make space, they found an old map of the area, apparently commissioned by the Department of National Defense.

The original surveying work for the map appears to have taken place in 1904, with some additional work, including aerial photographs taken by the R.C.A.F, occurring in 1936. The map was first printed in 1938, with the Crowe’s copy being reprinted in 1942. This copy was signed by a Capt. A.R. Grime.

The map makes mention of local institutions that have since passed on, but which older residents may still recall, including Fox Farms, Browns Nurseries, and several canneries. The Voice also noted that although this map clearly shows Lookout Golf Course, there is no mention of a “Wellington Heights” in that vicinity, which has been a point of contention for local groups currently fighting the District School Board of Niagara’s decision to rename a Fenwick school after this alleged landmark.

Though the Crowes were not certain how they came into possession of the map, Ina thinks it may have been purchased at a sale at Rockway.

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