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New trees for Marlene Stewart Streit Park

Rotarians, scouts, Lions on hand to help plunk 'em in

On November 24, representatives from TD Friends of the Environment Foundation were joined by more than 30 community members including volunteers from Pelham Advocates for Trees and Habitat, the Fonthill Rotary Club, Fonthill Lions and 3rd Fonthill Scouting to take part in a community tree plant. Town Councillors, staff and youth who were part of the Town’s PD Day camp also attended.

“Today is a day to be celebrated as we take action together to expand the tree canopy in Pelham,” said Deputy Mayor John Wink. “It isn’t hard to find passionate and dedicated community members who would support this cause and help to bring awareness to conservation efforts and the importance of our environment.”

Public Works staff shared basic information about the species with event attendees and provided direction on best planting practices before the volunteers began planting. In total, 65 trees and shrubs were planted at the site in Marlene Stewart Streit Park, including Eastern White Pine trees, Canadian Serviceberry, and Staghorn Sumac.

In a statement, the Town noted that the tree planting was made possible with support from the TD Friends of the Environment Foundation, which provided $8,000 for the project.



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