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Fonthill Rotary tree giveaway April 20

Residents may register to receive a free tree at the Meridian Community Centre
The Rotary Club of Fonthill is hosting a tree giveaway in Pelham. Willowbrook Nurseries is providing trees at cost to the service club. From left, Willowbrook Nurseries owner John Langendoen, Rotary members Sharon Pfeifer and Frank Adamson at Willowbrook in Fenwick.

The Rotary Club of Fonthill wants to improve Pelham’s tree canopy and protect the environment for future generations. To ensure this happens, the club is giving away trees free of charge to Pelham residents on April 20.

Rotary member Sharon Pfeifer said the service club has partnered on the project with the Town of Pelham, Pelham Advocates for Trees and Habitat (PATH) volunteers, and Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority (NPCA) representatives.

“The Rotary Club of Fonthill is acting on its commitment to caring for the environment by providing 300 free trees to those who live or work in Pelham,” Pfeifer said. She added that the tree giveaway is also one way the club is honouring Earth Day, which will take place two days later, on April 22.

Individuals living or working in Pelham must register online in advance to ensure they receive a tree. The club will distribute one tree per household on April 20 at the Meridian Community Centre between 9 a.m. and noon.

The tree choices include a Red Maple, Bur Oak, Hackberry, Tulip Tree, and Serviceberry but are based on availability and subject to change. Pfeifer said the five species of trees being offered have been selected for their ecological value and resilience to accommodating a range of growing conditions, as well as for their role in supporting biodiversity while adding to the Pelham canopy.

“Details on each species will be included online for homeowners to review so that they can identify the species most suitable for their space. Trees are in six-inch pots, and planting instructions will be provided.”

The project is made possible by a grant from Rotary District 7090 and is supported by two Pelham businesses: Willowbrook Nurseries is supplying the trees at cost to the service club, and Safe Tree Inc. is providing mulch to accompany each tree and promote optimum survivability.

Concerning the importance of having a healthy tree canopy, Willowbrook Nurseries owner John Langendoen said it makes good environmental sense to support community tree plantings because they help absorb CO2 and replace it with oxygen needed for breathing.

“I believe in looking after our environment. We have done a lot of damage to it with urbanization, highways, and improper waste management. Climate change is happening, and we need to work on rebuilding our climate and take care of it,” he said. “The more of us that can get involved in helping to address climate change, the quicker the results will be.”

According to Nature Canada, as a tree sapling grows, it can absorb more and more CO2. A tree bigger than 75 centimetres in diameter can absorb some 400 percent more carbon than a tree smaller than 45 centimetres in diameter every year.

In addition to contributing to the greening of Pelham, Pfiefer said the Rotary will also be participating in the Rotary District 7090 Great Lakes Watershed Clean Up, collecting garbage in and around the Meridian Community Centre and adjacent watercourse in celebration of Earth Day,

For more information about the tree giveaway, including how to register, visit the Rotary Club of Fonthill’s website here.



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