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Deferral number 51 in Fonthill butcher sex assault case

Richard Lowes to return Aug. 26 after proceedings delayed yet again
Richard Lowes, right, walks into the St. Catharines courthouse with an unidentified companion, on June 24 2024.

Another day in court, another deferral in the case of a local butcher charged with numerous sex offences. Richard Lowes was in court Monday with his lawyer, Mark Evans, for a hearing that was to determine a trial date. Evans requested that the matter be deferred once again.

Founder of the Country Corner Market, at Quaker Road and Line Avenue in Fonthill, Lowes was charged in March 2021 with three counts of sexual assault and one count of sexual interference with a person under the age of 16.

A publication ban prohibits the disclosure of any information about the alleged victims that may lead to their identification.

Monday’s request was made to Justice Deborah Calderwood at a hearing at the Robert S.K Welch Courthouse in St. Catharines. Prior to Monday, the case was being heard by Justice Donald Wolfe, and Evans said he wished to bring the case back before him and offered up several dates that he (Evans) would be available.

Justice Calderwood agreed to refer the matter to Aug. 26 at 10 a.m. “for resolution.”

Lowes, dressed in a casual yellow shirt with black stripes and tan khaki pants, did not speak and left the courtroom quickly after the judge made the referral.

Monday’s deferral was the 51st time that proceedings have been put off. Monday’s date was requested by Evans last Tuesday, June 18, to allow more time to work out the remaining details on a possible plea deal. Justice Wolfe agreed to the request, resulting in Monday’s hearing.