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LETTER: Snap election is needless

But now that it's here, don't vote for Ford, argues reader

PelhamToday received the following letter to the editor regarding Premier Ford's snap election call:

Premier Doug Ford has called a snap election desiring a huge “historic” majority mandate sounding a little Trumpish. Millions more taxpayers’ dollars wasted; already having a majority but believing Trump will care. Basically self-proclaimed Captain Canada Ford said NDP leader Marit Stiles could not negotiate Trump with which I disagree strongly.

Please recall his track record: Greenbelt scandal, still being investigated which he Trumplishly wants to avoid, allows hideous penned wildlife hunting, decline of healthcare, booze so important, downfall of Service Ontario, Ontario Place, etc. Now billions spent by sending $200 cheques said to try to buy votes. Mine is donated to Environmental Defence Canada fighting needless Highway 413 paving over prime farmlands in an insecure food world.

Instead of crowing American tariffs will bring job losses, work now to secure new market partnerships to make Canada independent rather than pandering to Trump.

If the NDP wins there is a promise of a new Welland Hospital. That promise alone and the reckless record of Ford will make you vote wisely.

Faye Suthons



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