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Letters & Op-Ed, September 8 2021

Allison slammed for “fringe” Covid cure stance Mr. Allison’s support of Ivermectin is irresponsible and frankly disturbing. Not only is Ivermectin ineffective against Covid-19, taking large doses of Ivermectin can be extremely dangerous.

Allison slammed for “fringe” Covid cure stance

Mr. Allison’s support of Ivermectin is irresponsible and frankly disturbing. Not only is Ivermectin ineffective against Covid-19, taking large doses of Ivermectin can be extremely dangerous. He is completely offside with science and is failing in his responsibility to encourage safe, effective vaccinations that actually protect our community—including children under 12 who are not able to be vaccinated.

The majority of people in Niagara have stepped up to do their part by getting vaccinated—yet Mr. Allison continues to be more focused on pushing his own fringe, unproven beliefs, which are putting the health and safety of our community members at risk. He is undermining the efforts we need to end the fight against Covid-19 and get back to normal.

I call on Mr. Allison to retract his statements immediately and do the right thing for the people of Niagara West.

Ian Bingham Federal Liberal candidate Niagara West


Allison follows in Bylsma's footsteps

MP Dean Allison needs to do more research on Ivermectin, a de-worming veterinarian medication, before suggesting that it be used in treatment of Covid. It appears he decided to follow the lead of the ill-informed and lost sheep of Mayor Bylsma’s flock.

L. Morgan Fonthill


Allison's fitness for office in question

It was disconcerting enough to know that there are people among us who would eschew science and medicine and instead ingest horse de-wormer as a treatment or preventative for Covid-19. But to learn that my MP, Dean Allison, is potentially abetting this belief was simply too much. Anyone who can accept this unproven theory and recommend it to others should not be in a position of government in Ottawa. The people of Niagara West need better than this.

David Fowler Wainfleet


Open letter to Pelham Town Council on Bauer Trail

The Council of the Town of Pelham is in receipt of correspondence, dated July 5, 2021, from S. Kaufman of Turkstra Mazza Associates regarding Draft Plans of Subdivision and Zoning By-law Amendment for Kunda Park and Forest Park. The correspondence includes a transportation review with roadway options critical to the Steve Bauer Trail (SBT) and the “wetlands” associated with the Kunda and Forest Park subdivisions. RV Anderson Associates Ltd., retained by Sterling Realty (Niagara) Inc., explored three roadway options, and they propose that Option 1 should be the preferred one, which involves the construction of a roadway across the SBT connecting the two subdivisions. In addition, all three options involve the use of some Town-owned land for straightening the extension of Station Street.

The Pelham Tree Conservation Society has studied the RV Anderson Transportation Review report of Kundra Park and Forest Park Developments that has been included on council's agenda for their September 7 council meeting. This report, first placed on the August 23 council meeting agenda, but deferred due to the time limitation of the council meeting, is now considered at the September 7 meeting.

The review discusses Station Street's extension and its danger in its current configuration. It also gives three roadway options that the Town should decide on concerning the Kunda Park and Forest Park development connectivity. Because of the 33-page length of the RV report, we will keep our review short and summarize it as follows:

Our review begins with the fact that we delivered petitions to council last February to preserve the Steve Bauer Trail in its current form and shape. We stand by our demands. Furthermore, we strongly endorse council's motion not to allow any new roadways to cross the Town's trails.

We reviewed and accept the statements in the RVA report about the danger of the misalignment of Station Street, and the need for a “correction” involving an excursion onto Town property. To resolve this issue we have come up with a positive solution.

The developer/town straightens the beginning of Station Street by using the existing entrance of the SBT on Port Robinson Road to create a safe roadway. In return, we expect the developer to transfer the northwest portion of his unused property that retains Indigenous artifacts, for the new entrance to the SBT. In addition, this property will become a Reconciliation Park in honour of our native population.

Option 1: The PTCS position of a road crossing the trail is not an option, which is fully supported by a motion passed by Town Council. Thus Option 1 is NOT a viable solution to the roadway network of the two subdivisions under consideration.

Option 2, with its locked gates, and small passage ways connecting the two subdivisions is NOT an option for obvious reasons that do not need to be repeated.

Option 3: We agree with the Town, province, and the federal government on the importance of preserving wetlands. We understand the importance of wetlands in curbing the effects of climate change and assist with flood control among its many positive attributes. Therefore, we are opposed to creating a road through this area presented as Option 3 in the RVA report.

On Town staff’s insistence of another roadway in/out of the Kunda Park subdivision, we propose the following. Instead of constructing a roadway through and destroying the precious wetland, that a low-level bridge be built over the wetland. This proposed roadway into Kunda Park will circumvent any damage to the wetland. We are aware that grants are available from the federal government to help preserve wetlands and would expect this assistance would be accessed to help offset the cost of our suggestion.

In summary, our proposal is for a swap of property to align Station Street and create a Reconciliation Park, and endorses a modified Option 3 with a low-level bridge across the wetland. This will protect our environment and as well as do our part to mitigate future climate change impacts and related impacts such as flooding among many.

We also would like to point out that the transportation report states that any of the three of their options will allow the developments to be built. The citizens of Pelham expect developers to create respectful and responsible developments and surrounding environments that are in line with residents' wishes.

Mike Jones, Chair Pelham Tree Conservation Society


A wake-up call to the riches of Pelham

A warm sunny day in early September and so invigorating after August wrapped us in almost suffocating heat!

I took advantage of this fine day to walk the Steve Bauer trail that rambles through the older subdivisions of the town. It is a trail less travelled, and in the heat of the day offers a shaded, cooler stroll through the forested area. It was during this walk that I came upon two gentlemen off to the side of the trail and seemingly looking for something. One fellow bore a more official look about him—broad brimmed hat, vest, and a device hung around his neck, maybe a counter?

“What are you looking?” for I ventured to ask.

“The white wood aster” came the reply.

The fellow explained that they are rare and are on the threatened list of plants in Ontario. Pelham is one of the only places in Canada where they are found!

He showed me a picture of the plant on his phone. During our brief conversation, I learned that Paul O’Hara was searching for the white wood aster plant, and fears that it will soon become extinct in the area because of being trampled when walkers go “off trail.” He noted there were a couple of patches of the wildflower throughout this area of the trail and noted the value of this old-growth forest.

Another area of concern he noted was the invasion of a variety of plants such as periwinkle and gout weed. He noted that these plants spread quickly and overtake the native plants of the forest floor and basically are uncontrollable once in situ. From what I see along the trail, some property owners may be using the woods as a plant recycling area, perhaps not realizing the damage that is caused to the natural environment.

In a follow up email, Paul told me that “Niagara really needs to wake up to ecological riches that surround them. White Wood Aster is just one of dozens and dozens of Endangered, Threatened and Provincially Rare Species in the region. I've done work on many of the species including American Chestnut (Endangered), Flowering Dogwood (Endangered), Cucumber Magnolia (Endangered), and Round-leaved Greenbrier (Threatened). The forests in Niagara and Fonthill are the richest in Canada.”

Paul has written a book — “A Trail Called Home: Tree Stories from the Golden Horseshoe,” and describes it as a good primer on the history and ecology of this area. Excuse me, while I go order this item online!

Lois LaCroix Fonthill



An integral part of Pelham and Central Niagara

Over the past few years I have enjoyed the pastime and privilege of occasionally writing for the Voice. I am humbled to be identified as a member of this newspaper’s contributors.

The Voice is what is known in the media business as a community newspaper. This definition describes a publication that shares a common interest in the welfare of a community of local residents. As such, community newspapers tend to cover subjects that the larger media do not. Also, community newspapers generally eschew coverage of worldwide happenings and events.

Generally speaking, community newspapers were once privately owned and independent of any news media chains—and this remains true for the Voice, which is 100 percent locally owned and operated—though “community” papers across Canada are increasingly being swallowed up by large chains and operated as corporate divisions in service of the bottom line. Such consolidation is rampant in Niagara, with one corporation controlling 90 percent-plus of printed news circulation in the peninsula.

The societal importance of newspapers is acknowledged in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms (1982). That legislation guarantees and protects a number of freedoms and confirms the freedom of the press. Likewise, the first amendment of the US Constitution also recognizes the importance of newspapers by guaranteeing their freedom of expression.

Like their larger counterparts, community newspapers have been challenged by new technologies in recent times. However, and regardless of their limited geographic footprint, they still play important roles such as being a forum for local happenings and issues. Many media analysts suggest that community newspapers are a crucial component of proper municipal governance.

One of these roles is known in the media business as accountability reporting. Basically, this function is to serve as a watchdog and interpreter of public issues and events in the communities these newspapers service. That involves gathering and compiling such factors that contribute to a civic organization’s operational efficiency, adherence to sound fiscal management, and other best practices.

This role, at times, is a bone of contention for some politicians who disparage such reporting, as they are uncomfortable with public scrutiny or being taken to task for issues that may be perceived in the best interests of the community and its residents. However, some might observe it is the nature of politicians to relish good press and abhor any bad publicity.

And so it is, under the watchful eye of the unbiased press, and a few other civic-based mechanisms, the best interests of the community are being monitored and protected.

Those who doubt the value of their community newspaper might ask themselves: Who has the most to lose if their community newspaper were to cease publication?

Community newspapers serve to inform, educate and amuse the members of the communities they serve. Thus, they are an integral part of the efficient operations of their community.


PELHAM AND COVID-19 | Mayor Marvin Junkin

Vaccination rates edge higher; Sulphur Springs a go

Eighty-four percent of eligible Coid-19 vaccine recipients across Canada have received two doses, making our country one of the most heavily vaccinated in the world. As of September 1, 72.6 percent of Niagara residents had one dose, and 66.2 percent were fully vaccinated. Even though cases are rising, hospitalizations of Covid patients in the region remained low with a total of ten patients as of Sunday.

With the beginning of September and the subsequent kids heading back to school, Pelham’s summer camp and aquatic season has ended. The fall programs, which are still receiving some final tweaking, will include Fit with Brock, ballroom dance classes, 5-plus aerobics with conditioning classes, indoor pickle ball (a crowd favorite) and adult learn-to-skate classes, with Councillor Olson already signed up. Most of the aforementioned programs are slated to start September 20, so please go to the Town website for further details.

The seniors lounge at the MCC will begin offering a monthly program calendar again which will contain social events and activities. With the cooler weather I am sure more people will be using the indoor walking track at the MCC.

I am glad to report that on September 3, the contractor doing the work at Sulphur Springs Drive received the last remaining outstanding permits, so the project is a go. In order to finish the one section, a work extension has been applied for from the federal department of fish and oceans. This extension would allow the work to continue until October. Judging by my email, the residents on this are ecstatic that the long -awaited repairs are finally underway.



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