It’s time for a dazzling, red and white Flag Day for Canada. Sixty years ago tomorrow, on February 15, 1965, the maple leaf, the shared symbol of pride, courage, and loyalty, flew from the Peace Tower in Ottawa.
Whatever the nature and validity of our modest celebrations from the past, this year feels decidedly different. It feels like a time about designing a truly independent future for all of us. Let’s make it a time for reflection and introspection; a time for humility, appreciation, gratitude, resolve, and solidarity: for health, family, friends, community, and Canada.
Like many Canadians, I’ve never been a particularly ardent flag waver but I always admire the beauty of our flag against a background of snow or the blue of water or sky. I have always felt a decidedly somber approach to the Maple Leaf because of thoughts of those who served and died for Canada.
Unlike many others countries, our flag has not been politicized. I rarely have the impulse to wave a flag but let’s make Saturday a day of patriot love and glowing hearts for the True North strong and free.
The Maple Leaf Forever.