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COTE'S COMMENTS | Mother Nature’s reprimand

We're breaking her heart, writing Larry Cote
A bear takes a dip near Jasper, AB.

Mother Nature is one of the best parents one could imagine and wish for. The beauties and wonders of her home are priceless and almost endless. Trees, flowers, fruits, rivers, animals, arable land and the list of flora, fauna, aquatic and avian creatures goes on and on.

Unlike the wide list of other species with whom we share this planet, we may be the most ungrateful for and disrespectful of this most giving and gracious mother. She has often displayed a gentle heart but sadly, it can be virtually broken by seemingly careless people.

We were given this once untarnished planet and have not cared for it wisely but rather have attacked much of its very essence. Some reputable environmental scientists warn that it may not be able to sustain life as we know it at some point in the not too distant future.

One of the most outstanding examples is global warming. Many of our species blame the issue of global warming for many catastrophes that inconvenience our lives and worse. However, it is we who are responsible for global climate warming through many irresponsible practices throughout time. While Mother Nature can forgive and overcome some of our harmful activities, she has often been overwhelmed and can no longer absorb these vicious assaults.

Our polluted air and waters may be such an examples. Smog forms when the Mother Nature’s atmosphere can no longer cleanse herself of the particulate we throw at her with reckless abandon. Aquatic life is poisoned by the effluent we pour into the rivers, lakes and oceans.

But Mother Nature’s care may have its limits and seemingly will rebel at some of our abuses. Since we have caused global warming those conditions have dried out the forests and ground cover. These areas then become tinder boxes which ignite easily into wildfires. Some of these are set afire by careless people and others by lightning strikes. There are hundreds of these wildfires burning at this very moment. Many of these are so fierce as to be uncontrollable despite the valiant efforts of firefighters.

The recent forest fire that roared into the picturesque resort town of Jasper is just one of the examples of the ferocity that Mother Nature has wrought in response to our careless warming of our planet. About one third of that beautiful resort town is now in ruins and thousands of acres of pristine forest laid bare in ashes.

That one example is said to have burned to ashes thousands of acres of the land that is home to and supports the lives many wild animals, some of which have previously been labelled threatened species. We should be more respectful of the many species, such as the bear appearing above, seen bathing in a lake nearby Jasper. Remember, it is his homeland that has been decimated.

It is crucial that we wake up to the reality of our negligence in the care of our precious earth. It need be a top-notch priority, or we will suffer even more grievous consequences than forest fires, floods, tornadoes, and other unfathomable wrecks of our Mother Nature. We need to fight for a more eco-friendly way of living.