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COTE'S COMMENTS: Is kindness becoming a rarity?

It doesn't take much effort not to be a Gloomy Gus, writes Larry Cote

One of the issues that might be out of whack in this world of ours is the loss in the exercise of the human attribute called kindness. Fortunately, it is true there are many people who are kind but it appears that number may have declined somewhat over the years. As a result, if that be true, then life tends to become less pleasant.

Among all the people you associate with on a regular basis, how many of them would you say demonstrate a degree of kindness that is noteworthy? Likely those who show a high degree of kindness on a regular basis are among the best of character and most cherished friends. Those who demonstrate less kind-warmheartedness may be inclined to be more at of bit more self-centered.

If warmth is on the decline then this would truly be a shame because it is mostly free to exercise. It usually costs nothing to be tender-hearted and it makes both the giver and the receiver experience a warm feeling of pleasure.

I recently watched a youngish gentleman help a not-so-young woman put the groceries from the shopping cart into the trunk of her car. No big deal, but they both departed with broad smiles on their faces and a gentle wish for a nice day to boot. A smile is induced by the feeling of pleasure and I would venture they both were raised in situations where kindness was a given.

On the other hand, what does a lack of kindliness produce other than a surly or grumpy face? Such unkindness misses the opportunity of generating a feeling of pleasure and produces a feeling akin to gloominess. To avoid such downer feelings could be a good reason to be kind to each other at every opportunity.

Throughout each and every day there are a number of opportunities, both large and small, to be kind. Being kind to others could be contagious. If you let a driver from a side street into the line of traffic that driver acknowledges the favour with a pleasurable thumbs-up gesture. It would probably a good bet that driver will be more inclined to duplicate the kindness somewhere down the road.

Many not-for-profit organizations that deliver kindness to a wide variety of needy causes depend on the kindness of donors to continue their charitable work. To respond to the pleas for funds from these charitable organizations is an act of kindness that is readily available.

So to experience more joy in one’s life, one need be kind to others whenever the occasion presents itself. One will experience an elegant reward for such acts. There is an admonition written somewhere sacred that we are to “love thy neighbour as thyself.” That sounds like a really good practice.