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COTE'S COMMENTS | A growing disrespect

Figurative and literal attacks on politicians are beyond the pale, writes Larry Cote

This topic has been on my mind for quite some time so I thought I might expunge it from my mind by publishing some observations.

What prompted me to comment on this matter at this time was an article I read in the news. According to this piece, a politician was glad-handing on main street in front of his constituency office. As he stuck out his hand to shake the hand of a passerby the man spit in his face. Such a despicable act is difficult to envisage. Unfortunately, there are such people, but hopefully not living near us.

I am absolutely astounded at the vengefulness shown by some people against politicians at all levels and whatever stripe. It is true that some politicos might bring some criticism on themselves for any unfavourable judgment at times. But we all sometimes trip up or make a gaff of some sort or another. But when a politician does so the viciousness of the reprimands are sometimes beyond the pale.

The press has written about the number of incumbents who are quitting politics. Many of them state that the toxic atmosphere in their political forums make the job an intolerable line of work, and sometimes more perverse consequences may be threatened. Likely some of these former politicos will take on jobs as bomb disposal experts to avoid the unwholesome pressure of their former political environments.

I am quite confident that some measure of politicians are as honest and hard working as their neighbours are in their home riding. They believe their efforts will provide security and improve the lives of their constituents. And for such efforts they are not paid exceedingly well as compared to the incomes for many other ‘professional’ occupations. If they raise their compensation all hell breaks loose in the media and talk shows.

It is equally certain that there are lackeys in many political forums just as these types occupy positions across all sorts of jobs and occupations. However, many of those critics of politicians should acknowledge they and their fellow voters put them there at the last election. If you are determined to be critical and sit at home in your easy chair then that surely will not improve any alleged misdeeds. You need to get up and get actively involved to change the situation. What have you done lately to improve the lot of your fellow citizens, or are you content to leave that essential task be left entirely to others?

Despairingly, voter turnout numbers are declining as seemingly more and more people are discouraged by the irresponsible few politicians who get oodles of press coverage at the expense of the bulk of honest and hardworking politicians.

It concerns me that young, capable, intelligent people are going to avoid possible careers in politics due to the toxicity of that very important role. That role is crucial for our current security and future lives. We must be ever-vigilant about whom we elect and keep informed of their performance.

We should avoid any sort of unjust and personal disrespect of those whom we elected to manage our collective welfare. Remember the adage—be kind to your neighbours.