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VIDEO: Facing eviction after 47 years, this tenant fought back

Tonight on 'Closer Look': An increasing number of Ontario landlords are using N12s to evict longtime tenants, arguing they need the unit for personal use. But not every property owner is being honest

In cities and towns across Ontario — and at Queen’s Park and Parliament Hill — our journalists work for you. Their mission is to dig for answers and tell you what they find.

This new feature — ‘Closer Look’ — is a chance to hear directly from those reporters and editors.

Every weeknight, Village Media’s Scott Sexsmith sits down with one of our journalists to explore a compelling story they are covering. These conversations go beyond the headlines, helping viewers better understand how we gather the details that land in your local news feed.

On tonight's episode: How a Toronto woman won a major victory against her landlord.

Victoria MacDonald has lived in the same two-bedroom Toronto apartment for nearly half a century. But two summers ago, she was suddenly slapped with an N12, a process that permits a landlord to evict a tenant if the owner, a family member or a caregiver needs to move in.

MacDonald didn't pack up. Instead, the 74-year-old fought back — discovering that an increasing number of landlords are using N12s to evict longtime tenants who pay modest rents. (Her lawyer said he has seen a "meteroic rise" in the use of N12s since the pandemic.)

Earlier this month, the Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB) decided in MacDonald's favour, ruling she can stay in her apartment indefinitely.

SEE: Tribunal rules longtime tenant can stay in her home, dismissing landlord's personal-use eviction attempt

TorontoToday reporter Gabe Oatley joins us tonight with all the details. You can read his coverage HERE.

Stay tuned for more episodes of ‘Closer Look’ every weeknight at 7 p.m. ​You can find all our previous segments HERE.

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