Please feel free to phone Susan at (705) 726-0040 for more information or to book an appointment. Abundance and bliss are yours for the giving and receiving. AWAKEN HEALING LOVE, LIGHT and ENERGY.
Enjoy a very fun, happy, peaceful and loving day. Follow your bliss, heart, freedom, passion, joy, creativity and dreams. May you see the MAGIC and MIRACLES in NATURE and YOURSELF and UNIVERSAL LOVE and UNITY each day!
"You are a drop in the eternal ocean that is unconditional love and are part of the Great Spirit. You have the power within you to create everything you choose. You are the creator of your own life. Harness that wisdom, and all things are possible." Shawn Leonard White Eagle Spirit Talker "When Mind, Body and Spirit are aligned, you can truly harness your full potential." "Let the beauty of what you love be what you do." Rumi